Birthday Celebrations - The Cabaret Experience

Hello again my charming Daisies! I hope you’ve been enjoying the unusually warm weather (what else would you expect from the ever-changing British weather). If you’re signed up to my newsletter and/or follow me on Twitter, you’ll be aware that my birthday is rapidly coming up which, I am very excited about! Birthdays are always an exciting time for me, weather for myself or close family and friends because it is a celebration of life, a celebration of your past and a celebration of your future. 


One of my favourite birthday celebrations was a surprise to a Burlesque Cabaret! A few weeks prior to the event, I was told to dress up nicely (like I always do) and donned a white, mini bodycon dress and clear perplex heels and a baby blue, pearl studded mini bag. On the day of the surprise, I went over to their house with my makeup and clothes in a duffel bag hanging from my arm.


Prior to the event, we had a few delicious cocktails at the Skylon restaurant, while staring passionately into each others eyes. I was handed my beautiful birthday present, which was very much appreciated, before taking a romantic stroll along the river near Embankment. After an impromptu photoshoot, I was finally told about the surprise and was excited to find out it was a cabaret! I’d been talking for months about wanting to attend a burlesque show and have a night full of sensual enjoyment, singing and an up-close experience with the performers.


We entered the establishment and there was a photographer waiting to take our pictures next to a wall with a neon sign saying, “Welcome To The Cabaret!” and I couldn’t help myself but take some more pictures! We were escorted to our seats, and I let out an excited giggle when I found out we were seated right next to the stage. A waitress came over, took our order and drinks and we made small talk with the other guests while giving each other cheeky glances. 


The lights eventually dimmed, and excitement cursed through my body before the host, descended some steps, singing how welcome we were to the show. The host had bright red hair with matching lipstick and was wearing a red dazzling corset with matching shoes and a top hat (a lucky gentleman may get their own burlesque show from myself). 


It was 4 hours of pure, dazzling entertainment, erotic dancers, a celebration of beautiful bodies, voices belting classic jazz numbers with ease. The host adorned in red had been told of my birthday and gave me my own personal lap dance, while singing happy birthday, in front of everyone! Not one to be shy, I lapped it all up and was disappointed when it had ended. 


The food was delicious, the drinks intoxicating, and I felt so spoiled and equally loved when I was reflecting on the night and couldn’t wait to return the favour when we were away from the glitz and glamour. The burlesque cabaret show was as exciting and enthralling as I’d imagined it to be, and till this day, that night is seared into my memory. 


If you’re thinking of doing something different with your desired companion, or myself, a cabaret is the perfect sensual and stimulating date. So I ask, what’re you waiting for, book me and lets have a sensational evening.



Ama Daisy

