Keep Yourself Safe This Summer and Try Not To Faint!

Welcome back my Daisies! I’m sure by the title you’re wondering what on earth is going on? Firstly, my toe is healing very well and I should be back fully on my feet by the end of next week. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out my previous blog to get the full story. In the blog, I stated previously, I have been prioritising dinner/lunch dates and private time and would love to thank all the lovely gentlemen I’ve had the pleasure of engaging and spending time with.


If you live in the UK, then you’ll know the summer we have been waiting for has finally arrived. The past 2 weeks, the temperatures have been through the roof (for the UK anyway) and have been exceeding 25° and the sun has been beaming down on us. We of course love the sunshine and the hot, humid weather, but with this weather, comes extra precautions that we should all be taking. Added disclaimer, the lovely gentleman -let’s call him Mr. P- I went on a social date with last week, has given me consent to include him in this blog post (shout out to him for gifting me a £100 Amazon gift card and calla lilies after the incident).


It is a glorious hot day, and the social date involves a luscious picnic date in Regent’s Park, food and snacks that he provides. Everything is going fantastic but then I notice Mr. P looking very clammy, pale and becoming less engaged in the conversation. My gut instinct tells me something is not right with Mr. P and I tell him to lay down and pass him my water bottle. In the end, Mr. P’s health continued deteriorating and I called the paramedics because I was so concerned. Turns out, Mr. P was diagnosed with heat stroke!


Now, I’m not trying to blame Mr. P in this situation but gentleman, companions, anyone, please look after yourself in this hot weather.


1.     Drink water! Please for the love of God, drink water! If you’re like me and like the cocktail or 2, ensure you drink water in between.

2.     Don’t drink too much alcohol! I know cocktails is all we can think about in this weather, but alcohol can dehydrate you quickly, so be mindful.

3.     Don’t do rigorous exercise in hot weather! This is self-explanatory but if you do want to get your body moving, make sure its not between 12-3pm when the sun is at its peak!


Personally, for me, these are the most important points to keep yourself safe during this summer. If you want more information on preventing heat stroke or how to respond to an individual who is showing signs of heat stroke, the NHS Website has a lot of information. I’m sure the advice is also applicable for my daises overseas!


Mr. P is doing well and I’m so glad it wasn’t more serious! I myself have slipped up once or twice (drank too much alcohol and didn’t drink nearly enough water) but I want everyone to be safe and enjoy themselves. Aside from the 999 call and the chaos of the paramedics, the picnic was lush! If you want me to join you on a picnic, don’t hesitate to contact me via my email or my booking form. 


When you do book me, please try not to faint!

Ama Daisy

