Virtual Sex Games We Can Play Together

Virtual Sex Games We Can Play Together

Hello my Dazzling Daisies! It’s been a crazy few years and while we’re all excited about real life dates, many of you do not always have the time or financial luxury of an intimate real life experience. That or you need your Ama Daisy fix between dates! Should this sound familiar, I invite you to engage in something we have grown to love  – virtual reality experiences where we can play virtual sex games!

I’ve curated a list of my Top 5 virtual sex games that we can play together via phone/text/video call with customisation options galore! These are fun adult sex game ideas and will undoubtably get our hearts racing.

Ama’s Top 5 Virtual Sex Games

#1: Would You Rather? 

This is a classic that can easily be turned into an interactive sex game that can be played virtually. It’s a really fun way to learn about the other person’s sexual kinks, preferences and fantasies. Our questions can be as naughty or as kinky as we desire for example, “would you rather have sex while handcuffed or be blindfolded?” 

The questions can be as whimsical as, “would you rather have sex with me dressed up as an alien or a nun?” or as contemplative as “would you rather meet in real life or virtually?” Get your thinking cap on and get ready for the sexiest interrogation you can imagine.

#2: Never Have I Ever

Remember this drinking game from university? Never Have I Ever is another favorite virtual sex game of mine. The rules (should you be a novice)  have us  take turns stating things “we haven't done”.  For instance, I could say “never have I ever, had sex in a jacuzzi,” and if you never have, you must take a drink. If you have, you must confess! 

This can be an interactive sex game or simply an exploration of each others’ experiences. Hint: this virtual sex game can often reveal what a future in real life date could consist of: e.g. a spa date that involves frolicking in a jacuzzi.  (Have I actually done that? You’ll have to book your virtual sex date to find out!)

# 3: Guess The Body Part

This virtual sex game is more porn videos than innocent pasttimes and will have you waiting in anticipation for my surprise message. Your heart will race as you sneak a peek during a conference call or breakfast meeting, and  the premise is for us to take turns sharing pictures of various body parts. 

Get your creative juices flowing using filters and overlays to stump one another! We can take it as far as we are comfortable and correct guesses are awarded with a special cheeky pic.

#4: Story Builder

This exciting game really allows for teamwork as you both build a sexual encounter or a fantasy. One person starts of by saying a sentence such as, “when I was walking through the park-,” and your partner continues by stating, “- very horny and wet…” We can make the fantasy and story as wild, weird and fun as we like and get to explore our sexual fantasies and curiosities together.

#5: Race To An Orgasm

Last but not least on my list of fave virtual sex games is “Race to an Orgasm”. What better way to finish our virtual date than by seeing who reaches the end zone first! . You can play this game using only your hands or with any available sex toys you may have. Think of it as an interactive porn game where the goal is singularsimpl - e,-  be the first to reach that orgasm!


Check out my rates page for more information on my virtual offerings. However, if a 3D sex game is preferable, then contact me about a London appointment, european travel companion adventure or you want the Ultimate Girlfriend Experience.

What are you waiting for? Book the girl for an adult sex game or two! Can’t wait to hear from my future play partner.

Ama Daisy



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